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Monday, September 13, 2010

Max's word list

I've been so bad about keeping track, but here are the latest new things Max says:

-Jeep (can recognize them in his Sheep in a Jeep book, and knows that the Jeep is what daddy drives)
-Thomas, Percy, James (can pick them out in the books or on tv)
-Sam (Loves Fireman Sam, of course, b/c Ryan does)
-finally says yes with regularity!
-poop (and tells us when he does that!)
-beep beep (when we sing, the horn on the bus goes...and he says beep, beep, beep)
-two, six, ten (when we count and pause he adds in those numbers)
-G, P (when we sing the A, B, Cs he adds in these letters at the right time)
-get down
-up (uppie)
-please (peas)
-stuck (loves to pretend to get stuck or get things stuck)
-oh no
-oh dear
-night night
-thank you
-bless you
-come in (when you knock on his door he will say come in)

Other stuff, he's totally mastered climbing and loves to go up and down stairs, up and down the slide and climber outside

When you ask for a kiss, he'll lean in and plant his wet drooly mouth on yours!

He loves to say Bye to people. He shouts it as loud as he can.

He loves to listen to his Music Together CD and can now even clap at the right points of songs and can also sing some of the words at the right time!

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